Sunday, August 8, 2010

Gen Con, post note

Hey all.

You will get some updates from me tomorrow.  I hope.

On our way home some dude fell asleep and came across our our lane of traffic and hit us, sent us flying across two lanes of 70+ mph traffic on I-65 and into a ditch.

Everyone is fine. The van is a little messed up though.

So, I am going to spending some time on the phone with the insurance guy instead of blogging.


  1. But dude, all your gaming gear is intact, right?

  2. As a relatively recent accident victim myself, I am sympathizing with you and am glad all is "okay"...

  3. I hope the rest of your trip is less eventful, and safe.

  4. I'm glad to hear everyone is fine. Waiting to hear how the Con went.

  5. Hey all.

    Thanks for the words.

    Everyone and everything is fine. The van will need some work and I lost an Elmore poster in the process.

  6. This is the kind of stuff I always fear when people talk about not getting a hotel room and trying to stay awake for a whole con. Glad to hear you're ok, and I hope everything works out with the van.


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