Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Future of D&D?

Could this be the future of D&D?


Surfacescapes uses Microsoft Surface (an input device and software) to emulate an hybrid table-top / CPRG environment for playing D&D 4th ed.

Granted I don't have 10 grand to dump into gaming right now (but I bet if I added up all the money I have spent in the last 30+ years...) and I am not sure how this would advance, but the ideas are limitless really.  Pre-configured adventures and monsters.  DDI already has some of this now.

I am going to keep an eye on this one.

This could be D&D 5th edition folks.


  1. 10 grand?

    What a bargain compared to printing your own maps off!

    I'll order one for each player right away!!

  2. Yeah sounds about right. Just today I was thinking "now how can WOTC alienate the rest of the gaming community". 4E was a good start. But how could they top it now. =)

  3. As a techie and computer geek from way back I am very excited about this.

    But as someone that skill enjoys his OSR cred, I can't see this working in the multitude of situations in which we find ourselves playing D&D OR appealing to the gamer on a budget, which at last count I think was ALL gamers.

    I want to see where this is going, but I don't think it will kill traditional PnP RPGs.

  4. I think they are getting table top players mixed up with console players who are willing to drop 700$ on a PS3 the first week it comes out lol.

  5. while looking it up I ran into this lmao


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