Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ghosts of Albion: Corn Goblins

Corn Goblins

“I was in the Nebraska Territory once, lovely place really, nothing but fields of grain as far as the eye can see, but it is still wild out there. I was walking, couldn’t have been more than five or so minutes after dawn and I saw them running in the corn rows. They were really small, and really fast, but unmistakably fae. I followed them, though I suspected that like all other fae they would be long gone. To my surprise I saw them in a spot where the corn had been trampled down, maybe by some dog. They were no taller than pixies, but they didn’t have wings. Their hair was blonde, nearly white, their faces were wrinkled and hands were tannish I think; but they could have been dirty too. Their eyes were the brightest robin’s egg blue I have ever seen. Their clothes were simple, greens and browns. It was a little family. They looked at me and looked at them for many long seconds. They were so ugly that they were cute! Like an ugly puppy. There was a man, his wife I suppose, and two little ones. One was a baby and was sleeping sucking his (or her) thumb. Then the largest crow (a Rook – TS) I have ever seen landed and they climbed on a flew away.”
- From the Journal of Tamara Swift, as told to her by John Haversham, circa 1860

Name: Corn Goblins
Motivation: To live unbothered
Creature Type: Faerie
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Constitution 3, Intelligence 3, Perception 4, Willpower 2
Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 9, Brains 12
Life Points: 30
Drama Points: 1
Special Abilities: Animal Empathy (Crows), Faerie, Reduced Size (freakishly small), Unattractive (1)

Name Score Damage Notes
Dodge 9 — Defence action
Grapple 11 — Resisted by Dodge
Punch 9 4 Bash

Corn Goblins are one of the very few of the faerie races encountered in former colonies (America). First the name is a misnomer, Corn Goblins are not goblins at all, but rather ugly faeries. They have some similar features to the Bendith Ý Mamau of the Welsh, but have not (so far) displayed any type of magic. Nor are they unpleasant like their Welsh cousins.

Corn Goblins though are named for their preferred habitat, the endless fields of corn and other grains that proliferate across the States. They rarely, if ever interact with humans but have been known to befriend crows and even use them as transports.

Very little is known about them but to date they have shown to be benign. The earliest recorded mention of a corn goblin like creature is from the records of the Salem Witch Trail. One girl described consulting with a “foule imp” that matched the corn goblin description given by Haversham and other American Occultists.

“I am quite convinced that we have them here in England as well, but the power of the Seelie Court is such that they remain hidden. They spend a great deal of time hiding in America as well from what I understand. Corn Goblins maybe related to the “little men” of the Hopi Indians, but my understanding of American geography tells me that these creatures are not in the same lands as the Hopi. If this is the case there may be more faerie races in the vast lands of the New World just waiting to be discovered.”
- Addendum, The Journal of Tamara Swift

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