Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dracula, The Hunters' Journals: 21 August Letter, Messrs. Carter, Paterson & Co., London

 Letter detailing the delivery of Dracula's boxes of Earth.

Dracula - The Hunters' Journals

Letter, Messrs. Carter, Paterson & Co., London, to Messrs. Billington & Son, Whitby.

21 August.

“Dear Sirs,—

“We beg to acknowledge £10 received and to return cheque £1 17s. 9d, amount of overplus, as shown in receipted account herewith. Goods are delivered in exact accordance with instructions, and keys left in parcel in main hall, as directed.

“We are, dear Sirs,
“Yours respectfully.
Pro Carter, Paterson & Co.

Notes: Moon Phase: Waning Crescent

The biggest question here is, how do we know about this letter? All correspondences are assumed to have been collected by Mina and organized.  But how did she obtain these letters?

Were they discovered by our hunters when they went and searched for clues? I mean I am sure Holmwood could demand to see them, he was a Lord afterall.

In any case they got them and it helped to track down the boxes.


  1. My guess? They found out who took receipt of the boxes in Whitby (Billington and Son) by asking around, then got the correspondence from them. They would have copies of the letters they sent, as well as the replies they received.

  2. P.S. I'm really enjoying this, thank you for doing it.

  3. That does make sense. And Mina would have organized it all.


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