Wednesday, July 27, 2022

100 Days of Halloween: Dice Witchery

Dice Witchery
And now for something completely different!

A while back I decided I wanted a set of "premium dice."  I have, well, an embarrassing amount of dice. But in my defense, I have collected them from various sets over the last 42+ years, plus getting a set when I go to Gen Con and other cons.  Everyone here in my house has a set of special or premium dice.  Everyone that is but me. Until now.

So I sought some of the dice makers online. There is a whole cottage market of RPG-adjacent makers out there and I think it is all great. One, for obvious, reason caught my eye. I clicked on them for their name but bought the dice for how they looked.

Dice Witchery

I found Dice Witchery on Twitter back in June and saw they had a lot of great designs.  I figured this was a perfect place to get some "witch" dice. I had been looking for something special for my War of the Witch Queens and this looked perfect.  But which set should I get?

Check out all the choices I ended up with a  full set of the Fey Masquerade dice. This includes a d2 (coin), d4, d6, d8, d10, d%, d12, and d20.

Well. They came in the mail just the other day!

Dice Witchery Box

Dice Witchery Box

Dice WitcheryDice Witchery

Dice WitcheryDice Witchery

Dice Witchery
The cauldron is a bit larger than the one I had.

Sending along the candy was nice! Lemon IS my favorite flavor.

On to the Dice!

Dice Witchery Dice!

Dice Witchery Dice!Dice Witchery Dice!

I wanted something blue and purple with gold numbering. These turned out perfect.

The dice are resin and roll nice. They seem pretty sturdy too, but I am not going to test that on a hard floor.  I just love how they came out.

A while back I bought a Tarot Card box to hold various cards in, but it was never quite the right size.  But it is perfect for this.

Witchy dice boxWitchy dice box

Yeah. I am pretty happy with these dice and the dice box. 

I can't wait to roll these in my next War of the Witch Queens game!

You can find Dice Witchery here:

The Other Side - 100 Days of Halloween

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