Friday, October 2, 2020

October Horror Movie Challenge: The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976)

Another "leftover" from a previous challenge.

This might be the most "1976" movie I have seen in a long time.  Lots of drugs, naked hot tubbing, and a busted up Volkswagen Karmann Ghia.

The main character, our "Witch", Molly is fairly insane.  She tries to repress the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father while lusting after all these different men.
She also seems to be killing men but not remembering it.
 Molly is not just deranged, she is also very simple like she is still stuck somehow back at being a child.

Molly keeps spiraling deeper into madness and the police are quickly on to her.

In some of her flashbacks, it's hard to tell what was real and what is only her delusional state.  So she either killed a few men or a lot of them.

What I don't get is how in the hell did she get up and kill people with all those drugs and alcohol in her system.

IMDB said this movie had witchcraft in it, but not really.
There is horror here, but not of the conventional sort.

Watched: 3
New: 3


Not every supernatural occurrence is a bad one as I have tried to show in Ordinary World. Some times the supernatural occurrence is not even really supernatural.  In the case of this movie, there is a supposed "witch" but really it is just a mentally disturbed woman that kills men.  A ruse like this only works once to be honest so use it sparingly.  Too much and you turn your "Supernatural Horror" into "Scooby-Doo."

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