Saturday, August 15, 2020

#RPGaDAY 2020: Day 15 Frame

I bought this commission from Claudio Pozas years ago.  I did not get it framed since I wanted to take to Gen Con to get it signed.

I got it signed, yeah! But I should have gotten it framed as well!

Now I am having a hell of a time finding a frame that fits it.   

I am loathed to trim it and equally loathed to take it to Hobby Lobby.  Although in their defense, they never gave me grief for the WitchCraft RPG prints I had framed.


  1. Two points:

    1. Whatever the founders of Hobby Lobby might think, I doubt the people at the framing counter even notice what they're framing 9 times out of 10. They are just doing a job.

    2. Michael's offers the same framing services at similar prices.


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