Friday, July 10, 2020

Working the NIGHT SHIFT!

Early mail-call this week and I can't be more pleased.

Hard copies my Jason Vey's and my new game are appearing in the wild and I am so happy.  Here are my leather and standard copies.

The insides also look fantastic.  Better than I had hoped for really.

And of course, it has my favorite of my Night Worlds, Generation HEX.

You can get PDFs from DriveThruRPG and Print copies (not PODs!) directly from Elf Lair Games.

Can't wait to share more with you all including an Other Side exclusive Night Spot. 
Come back for adventures in Valhalla, Alaska.  A Night Spot that can be used in the Ordinary World setting or added to any game.

Been looking forward to this for some time now!


  1. That's looking very nice indeed.

  2. Hmmm...wonder how well I could hack the Generation Hex setting to emulate the El Goonish Shive webcomic? Possibly a worthy experiment.

  3. Looks cool, hoss. Congratulations!

  4. Looks good. I look forward to getting mine from the Kickstarter. I backed at the level that gives you five Player's Guides, so my stuff is going to take longer to ship.

  5. @Kevin, I think the Player's Guides are just about in. So however long it takes Jason to pack them up and ship them.

  6. Eagerly awaiting my leather bound edition! :)


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