Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Sisters of the Aquarian Order: The Geminian Prophecy

The Sisters of the Aquarian Order believe in reincarnation.  They have seen the same souls over and over again throughout their long history.  While the memories of former Sisters live on in the Gestalt, the "souls" are reborn again and again.

Such is the case with Kimbra III and Kelleigh III.  Not only reborn but reborn as twins again.
Unlike most Sisters, Kimbra III and Kelleigh III were left for the Order after showing signs of power at a very early age.  They already had advanced telepathy between themselves, they are Anamchara and showed knowledge of the Order that many Initiates did not even have.

Tragedy struck the young twins when they were separated in a conflict between the Star Knights and the Void Knights.  Kelleigh III was believed to have been killed, though her sister knew better.

Kimbra III now serves as a "cultural liaison" to the Star Knights.  Here she provides them details she has learned about the Void Knights in her studies.

Kelleigh III is still alive, but now a member of the Capricorn Sisterhood. Here she also works as a cultural liaison to the Void Knights.   Only Kimbra knows her sister is alive via their Anamchara link.  The Aquarian Order suspects she might be alive and is watching Kimbra closely for any signs of heresy.

In truth both sisters work toward the same goal, the discovery of the return of the Old Ones.

Kimbra III
5th level Aquarian Sister

Strength: 11
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 16

Hit Points:  16
AC: 7
Base to hit: +2
Saving throw: 11

Empathy, Telepathy (Anamchara: Kelleigh III)

First: (2) Far Sight, Read Languages
Second: (2) Agony, Hold Person

robes, baton

Kelleigh III
5th level Capricorn Sister
(Note: to Aquarian Sisters she is an Omega Level Heretic)

Strength: 11
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 16

Hit Points:  17
AC: 7
Base to hit: +2
Saving throw: 11

Empathy, Telepathy (Anamchara: Kimbra III)

First: (2) Cause Fear, Drowsy
Second: (2) Detect Thoughts, Phantasmal Force

robes, baton

The Geminian Prophecy
The Geminian Prophecy is so old that most Sisters don't even know about it. It is not in any database, but only recorded in ancient preserved scrolls.  So old in fact that there are no Heresies surrounding it.  The prophecy states that twins will be born into their powers early in life.  They will represent two sides of the same duality and they will either unite it or destroy it.


  1. This is interesting and evocative. It seems like they would be well-suited as NPCs at the center of a campaign. The Referee would have to come up with a series of major events involving them, then sprinkle them into the background near the characters.

  2. I am glad you liked! They are of course reincarnated from my D&D game. So they are characters I have had some time to work on and with.

  3. What would be the general course of the events that surround the sisters, in your game? Obviously, they are sharing with each other what they are learning from the Aquarian and Capricornian orders, so I suppose that they are building a knowledge of how the Old Ones return that draws on the knowledge of both?

    Also, do you have any suggestions on how to integrate the Star Entity, Star Sailors, and the Gloom (from Star Sailors, obviously) into this background? Perhaps the Starlight that powers the Star Entity (and on which the Gloom are parasites) is a shadow of the Old Ones as they approach? Or it is actually one of the Old Ones that has managed to seep in through a crack in reality (or perhaps because of the existence of the Star Entity it was never fully removed from this universe)? That would be a rough secret for the campaign, which could result in a war between the Star Sailors and the Aquarians (and Star Knights, of course) if it were to come out.

  4. With Kim and Kelly here I like to be very organic. So I have not really planned to0 much out yet. I kinda want to play them more and see what happens really. There are issues with them in communication with each other and their Orders being enemies.

    Now for all that other stuff. Again, don't know yet! ;)
    I really like Star Sailors. I should spend some more time with the other books and think about how they might all fit together.

    Sounds like something that might fit into my Black Star game.

  5. Another possibility: the Starlight is a sort of "anti-Old One" (something like the Emperor/Star Child in the Warhammer 40K background), and the Gloom are the shadows of the approaching Old Ones. That would make for more comfortable Star Sailor/Aquarian relations!

  6. that is certainly an idea.
    I have often wanted to explore why the "powers that be" choose magical girls to be their warriors.

  7. It occurs to me that I should make sure it's clear that I think that this Kim/Kelly Gemini Prophecy storyline could connect into the magical girl thing that is expressed by the Star Sailors concept, which is why I am pursuing the idea here.


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