Saturday, October 31, 2015

October Movie Challenge: Evil Dead

So. Confession time.  I have never seen the first Evil Dead movie in its entirety.  Seen Army of Darkness dozens of times. Evil Dead 2 once back in college.  But the first? Never all the way through.

Well, that now ended this weekend.  Encore had them all on and I made a marathon of them.

I knew the stories of course.  Plus I worked on the Army of Darkness core book back in the day so I knew the background.  But that is not the same thing really.

Watched Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness. Wonder why I had never watched them all like this before.

31 Watched / 21 New


  1. So, was the Evil Dead as good as you thought it'd be?

  2. Same here. Not as good as Evil Dead 2 or Army of Darkness, but worth watching.


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