Sunday, August 9, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 9

Day 9: Favorite Media You Wish Was an RPG

Oh. There is so many. I think I would have say Harry Potter.

Not only is it a natural fit with a ton of potential, but it would be a great thing for RPGs.

There is just so much that could be done with this world.  You have magic, you have high school drama, you have good vs. evil. Just tons and tons of stuff.

BUT...JKR is not likely to ever make my dreams come true and grant me the license.  So my next choice is a Charmed RPG.

I could totally rock out on this game.

1 comment:

  1. I would often run side games that I would base off of a Novel that I had read and see How they play the same charters given the same situations....
    Was "fun" to see how they varied from the original Story-line.....
    made Maps and random determination charts... and as they played as the Characters... I got to play the "monsters" that I so enjoyed....


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