Monday, February 23, 2015

Castles & Crusades: Into the Woods...of sorts

So this past weekend I ran a quick version of Castles & Crusades using some ideas from the Codex Celtarum.  The idea was that the characters are on the edge of the Faerie lands/Fae/Feywilds.

It occurs to me that I have been building up to this game for years really.

Allies and Enemies
Ans of course, Witches
I am sure there are some good adventures I could adapt and I have plenty of my own too.  It would be nice to run "All Souls Night" for a new group; heck I could even re-purpose The Dark Druid for this.

This could be a lot of fun.


  1. I can totally relate. Seems everything I have done to date has led up to what I am doing now.

  2. What levels are you running this? Beware that after around 4th-5th level the saving throw system of C&C shows its ugly face (it's essentially broken.)

  3. Happy Blitz Timothy! The game sounds like something my daughter would truly enjoy. She's all into faeries and faes.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead


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