Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Whoa. Didn't see that one coming...

I just just over a bout of the stomach flu (on the plus side I lost 11 pounds) only to get hit with a one two punch of a bad cold on top of asthma.  

Needless to say I have not really done a lot, any "free" time has been spent working on the magic items for Strange Brew.

Normally this time of year I start working on my "Best of" and "Worst of" lists.  But I only have a couple things in mind.

So let me turn it over to you all.

What were your "Best of's" for 2014?  What were your "Worst of's"

I will have a post up later this week with mine.  Currently I only have one of each, but that is a enough to talk about.


  1. Hope you feel better, all the way soon.

  2. Everybody got sick these last two weeks. World ground to a halt.

  3. So sorry to hear that you are not well.... a very merry Christmas ... and get yourself plenty of rest.... Get Well Soon..

  4. Yeah I slept 15 hours of the last 24. Getting better!


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