Friday, October 11, 2013

October Movie: Virgin Witch (1971)

So this movie begins by going through the cast in the nude scenes. Interestingly enough sisters Vicki and Ann Michelle (playing sisters) never mention this movie on their own websites. Well Ann does, but only as an "experience she doesn't want to remember".
The girls play aspiring models in 70s London and they get caught up in a coven of witches.
Pretty much all the tropes and stereotypes are here. Copious amounts of nudity. Bizzare ritual sex scenes, predatory older lesbian/high priestess.  Virgin sacrifice.  Just a trippy sort of movie

For me it really captures my memories of  what the 70s occult craze was about. Mind you that is my memories, not how it actually was (to my knowledge  anyway).
Movies like this really formed some of the ideas that still live on in my witch game books today.
It's not a great movie, but it is a fun one.

Tally: Watched 12,  New 10

What are you watching?

hosted by Krell Laboratories

1 comment:

  1. As a HUGE sucker for '70s-style occultism, this flick is a personal fave.

    I even own the original 45 vinyl radio spots for it.


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