Wednesday, September 4, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 4: Favorite Game World

Day 4: Favorite Game World

Mine is a tie.  My first and nearest to my heart was "The Known World" later called Mystara. But I quickly adopted Greyhawk.  So when I ran games it was Mystara, but playing it was Greyhawk.  Around 1986 or so my then DM and I decided to merge our worlds.  We called "Oerth 3", not very original I know.
Many years later I discovered this map by Chatdemon based on an idea by James Mishler.  It was exactly what I was trying to do.  Plus this map was so much better than mine.

So my favorite game world of all time is Mystoerth!


  1. Neat idea, I'd never heard of a Oerth/Mystara blend before!

  2. I remember reading about this mash-up when I first discovered your blog a couple years ago and went through a bunch of your older posts. Sounds like a really cool idea.

    I put just straight-up Mystara. It always seemed more exotic and magical to me than Greyhawk. This might sound weird but Greyhawk always seemed a bit "standard" to me. I think it has to do with Gary's wargaming background, so when you read the country write-ups in the old Greyhawk boxed set, instead of getting cool ideas to inspire you to adventure in that particular country, you get "the Kettites field a strong force of pikes and crossbows along with with horse archers and medium lancers."


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