Monday, September 2, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 2: Favorite Playable Race

Day 2: Favorite Playable Race

This one is easy, if predictable. I prefer to play humans.  I just always felt that despite all the perk the other races got, humans still got the best deal.  Plus in the days of AD&D humans were the only race that had unlimited advancement.  Also in the AD&D1 days I liked Dual Classes.  I had a number of characters that started out as one thing and then went on to be something else.  I liked the character building implications.

If I were to pick a second favorite it would be half-elf.


  1. Aww yeah, half-elf! Mine too! I need to do my post about that. Who wouldn't like the half-elf in AD&D? All of the elf goodies, none of the weaknesses! The C&C elf is done a bit differently and, if you ask me, better executed.

  2. Humans all the way! We've got dominance, ingenuity, unlimited advancement, all the sub-classes, souls... I could go on

  3. Humans became a relatively new favorite around the time of 3E. Partially because I liked the extra Feat slot, partially because by that time no one was playing humans in the groups I was in... it felt weird to have an all demi-human party...

  4. I put half-elf as my favorite, but lately I've mainly been playing humans.

  5. Wow, glad to see I'm not the only fan of humans, pre-3rd edition.


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