Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Tale of Two Doctors

Digging through some boxes today and look what I found!

Ok. Technically it belongs to my brother.  But he never played it.

It's still in great condition, but I can't seem to find the dice that went with it or even if it had dice.

I remember mixing in bits of FASA's Star Trek into this to really create a weird ass game.

While the newer Adventures in Time and Space is a better system, FASA Who just has some appeal to me.  Maybe it was when I got it, er, my brother got it.

I am certain there are some conversion coming up in my future!


  1. I spent a lot of time reading the FASA edition, but I'm not sure I ever played it.

  2. I have both as well and still prefer the FASA version. :)

  3. I believe the dice that came in the FASA Doctor Who box were rather ordinary six sided dice like you would find in Monopoly (although I have vague recollections that one was white and one was red).

  4. I still have this game. It has an exhaustive amount of material regarding the Whovian universe. It had a weird way of using Roman numerals rather than just simple Arabic ones to designate values for PC's attributes, and was pretty up-front about having non-Gallifreyan PC's be less "powerful" than Time Lords.

  5. Ran many games with the FASA system. A very well maid game but Time Lord is far simpler and is free to download.


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