Friday, July 26, 2013

The Upside to Kickstarter

We have all been burned on Kickstarter at one time or another.  While Tenkar is doing a great job of keeping us informed with the failures, I do feel the need to point that more times than not people get what they paid for.

In some cases, like Troll Lord Games or Eden Studios get me what I paid for and often more.  Others like Joesph Bloch not only fund with very, very clear expectations of what is happening when, he also gets the materials out everyone either on time or early.

Here is another one.  Yesterday I mentioned two new games powered by Ubiquity, Revelations of Mars and Space:1899. Well if you fund both you will get a special PDF with two adventures.  Frankly it is something like that this making me consider up my PDF only pledge to get a Hard cover.

I think I am going to spend some quality time with Ubiquity here soon.  I already have some ideas on how I want to combine Space:1899, Revelations of Mars, Hollow Earth and Leagues of Adventure!
Gearing up for an Edwardian-times game based on all the ERB stories I have been reading of late.  Right now calling it "1901: A Space Odyssey". Should be a lot of fun!

1 comment:

  1. There are certainly way more successes than utter failures when it comes to kickstarter.

    Heck, i think more projects ship on time than fail to ship at all (and on time kickstarters are rare indeed).

    The failures do represent a monetary loss for supporters, and they generally seem to fall into the category of "using the projects funds to pay for a business", at least recently


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