Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bloghop Giveaway

To further help promote the Bloghop Against Homophobia and Transphobia I am going to give away a copy of The Witch.

The rules are pretty simple.
Share the url to this post or my blog far and wide to promote the bloghop.  Enter your name in Rafflecopter widget below and on the 27th when the hop has ended I'll pick a winner!

Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you.

Good luck!!
I am still giving money to charity, so that hasn't changed.  This is on top of that.

Edited to add: The Rafflecopter thingy wasn't working. So just post below. Thanks!


  1. I've posted something on my blog that should appear at noon (UK time). Can't get to grips with that Rafflecopter widget though - think it's acknowledged my sign-up but still says "O" entries, so I don't know ;)

  2. That's weird. It doesn't seem to be working. Ok, I'll figure something out.

  3. Shared via G+ Keep up the good work Tim!! ;O)

  4. Shared on my blog:

  5. And here's me, doing my small part. As mentioned, I don't really have a use for your book, excellent though I'm sure it is. Either pass it down the chain, or I'll find a way to get into well deserving hands if I win.

  6. Sharing to my FB, I think you have me on that and/or G+.


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