Friday, February 15, 2013

It's Not An Olympic Medal, But I'll Take it!

I was on DriveThruRPG today to get a copy of my Witch book sent out to my brother when I noticed something really cool.

The Witch is a Copper Best Seller!

Not sure what the sales threshold is for that, but I'll take it!

Ghosts of Albion is doing well too.

It's not gold or platinum, but I am not complaining.
I am still pleased that there are people out there that like my stuff and are willing to buy it!


  1. It's a good feeling when someone buys one's book. I have 2 poetry books out and although not best sellers, it was all my own work,
    Good luck with the sells.

  2. Congratulations on both - sure it won't be long until they go up a "grade"

  3. Very cool! Good for you:)

  4. It's recognition and that's better than not being noticed at all.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  5. I just bought a copy of The Witch yesterday. Great stuff.


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