Saturday, November 10, 2012

Zatannurday: Hero Clix 2!!

I didn't forget!  I was waiting on this.

A while back I posted some Zatanna Heroclix.
Well now thanks to reader and fellow blogger Justin Isaac look what I got in the mail today!

Wish I could take a clearer picture, but it is the only Zatanna I didn't have!
And here is the "enjoy!" envelope it came in

She looks great with my others.

And with my other witches!

Thanks so much Justin for making my Zatannurday perfect!
Check out his blog (with cool ass supers) at the Halls of the Nephilim,


  1. Very cool! Say, did you hear that there might be a Justice League DARK film?

  2. I thought you'd get a kick out of the message on the envelope.

  3. HBA Welcome Wagon...
    Wanted to let you know, you part of the Alliance. Please stop by and check to make sure your link is correct. Remember to say Thank You and feel free to visit the other HBA Members. Also if you have "CAPTCHA" on, you might want to turn it off... people hate it, okay I hate it.

    Jeremy [Retro]
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