Sunday, April 22, 2012

Play? Ghosts? Me?

My wife just pointed out to me that I have never actually played Ghosts of Albion (not Angel, not Buffy) as a player.   I have played the rules before. But never as an honest to goodness, made in 1839 player.

How in the heck did I manage that???


  1. Maybe it is the cold meds or the fact I have been working since 8:00am today, but when?

  2. I ran, we had Scott and Blair there and we ran at Games Plus. You played a version of the librarians assistant I do believe.

  3. The adventure was about the "spirit" of a lost loved one who was burning English men in retaliation for the violation and non-marriage of her daughter...who had to be burned because of the loss of face for the family.

  4. Wow. I only sort of recall that. That must have been way back in the play test days.

  5. Hmm...that would have been AFTER we broke the magic and combat system the first time...


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