Friday, March 2, 2012

What does D&D Sound like?

What does D&D sound like?

This is what it sounds like to me.

D&D sounds like Rush.


  1. Oh hells yeah!

    For me it's Necromancer, 2112, Farewell To Kings, Hemispheres, and By-tor & The Snow Dog.

  2. Caress of Steel, 2112, Bytor and the Snowdog, Farewell to kings all was background music back in the days long Adventures cant forget about IronMadien.

  3. Our group has always found Uriah Heep to be a better background music.

  4. Oh Uriah Heep, for reasons unknown, became the back ground music for my Ghosts of Albion playtests.

  5. Rush always reminds me of Gamma World. There was a Temple of Syrinx in our campaign.

  6. Mastodon, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest

  7. The year was 1986 during my exam week in my first year of college. I played the HECK out of The Necromancer and The Fountain of Lamneth (both off of Caress of Steel). The memories are still so clear. If only the stuff I was supposed to be studying was also......
    Seriously, give those songs a good listen. They're amazing.


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