Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New Look

I am going to be working on the look of the Other Side here for a bit.  New Year and all.

If you are reading this in a reader, can you please stop by and let me know what you think.
This gives me readability feedback AND helps me check to make sure I put the Google Analytics codes in right.



  1. Not bad. Nice and simple. I like it.

  2. Go you! Wish I had the techno savvy to do this kind of programming.

    I love seeing my book on your site, by the way. I've been fighting inner writing demons today, so it really boosts my spirits to know you're reading it and enjoying it.

    Thanks for your supportive comments on my blog! :')

  3. @Simon: Simple is easy to ready on a computer or phone. I'll fancy design for other areas.

    @Aaron: I am thinking of loosing Orcus for something new. Just no idea on what yet.

    @Suz. It's not that hard, I just make backups of everything in case I trash it. Which I have. Many times.
    I am glad to help lift your spirits some!

  4. Nice. You've kept the groovy header and the generally black theme, and kept it uncluttered. I like it. It says: "The Other Side" to me.

  5. I generally read in google reader, but I will continue to click over to your actual blog Tim. Looking good.

  6. I know it is not a huge change. But still tweaking.
    My CSS page is really cleaned up now.


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