Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ghosts of Albion - In my Hands!

Got back home today from visiting family and found a nice big box waiting for me.

A box of Ghosts of Albion books!

Coming soon to a Game Store near you!


  1. Good stuff! Hope it was worth the looooooong wait ;)

  2. Just got mine in the mail Saturday, great to see Ghosts finally in print, but even better, to see new books from Eden Studios. Congrats by the way.

  3. Loved getting my hand delivered by your oldest...showed the boys all the names in the front and my oldest thought it was cool!

    I will have to do something with it and the a surprise

  4. Don't tell my wife, but my copy is in the post as of today from an online games emporium, and should be with me early next week! So much for cutting down my spending this year...

    The plug for the game goes live on my blog at 6pm (GMT), by the way.


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