PDF and Print. 16 pages. Color cover and interior art.
This is actually a rather good adventure to introduce people to The Dark Eye game.
Briefly, we have an evil warlock taking control of a small coven of witches. But one witch, Alevtia, refuses to submit. Luckily she finds the heroes. That's you all.
This is a detective story and wilderness adventure. So social skills are just as important as combat here. The characters will need to meet with the other members of the sisterhood to get all the details they need. But that also puts them in contact with the Warlock Codax, and he needs items from the heroes (hair, blood, saliva) to make his curses work.
There are plenty of interesting tables of rumors and various locations all throughout the area including a forest. There is even an ogre nearby (and stats for him) and "Predatory Mushrooms!" The adventure feel like a fairy tale.
Of course, the goal is to stop the warlock. He doesn't have to be killed even, there is a potion to turn him into a toad for example.
It is perfect for a couple of afternoons and even better for new players.
For My War of the Witch Queens
Well, you can set the village of Wireslhome anywhere. Well since I already have the characters popping all over the multiverse I'll even change the name to Westhafen. But I would still keep it in the northern half of Aventuria, where witches are more common.
The plot here, a warlock taking over a coven, is nearly the same plot of the War of the Witch Queens writ on a local level. One could even make parallels of what is happening here and to what is happing with the larger cosmos of witches. As above, so below. Even our cover girl Alevtia's grandmother has just died. In parallel to the Witch Queen herself.
For me, this adventure is to essentially tell my players what is going on but on a smaller scale.
There are no stats for Alevtia, but I feel that NPC stats on page 148 of the Core book would be perfect. In the adventure though, she is listed as part of the Sisterhood: Beauty of the Night or a Cat Witch (p. 146). The art in the book is closer to 148, so that is what I'll use. I should point out that all the NPCs in the core do have a name attached to them, though in the case of the Toad Witch the description does not match the art.
She is listed in both the core and the adventure as "Inexperienced" so for my purposes that works as 1st level.
So let's give her a go. Described as an (Apparently) Simple Country girl (spoiler isn't simple or all that innocent), which would make her a good fit for the Pagan, Green, or even Classical traditions. I am more inclined to go Pagan. But she will get cantrips. This works well since my Pagan Witch book and my Warlock book are both for OSE.
1st level Witch (Craft of the Wise tradition)
Human Female
Strength: 12
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 14
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 13
Charisma: 17
Saving Throws
Poison: (+1) 11
Wands: 14
Turn to Stone: 13
Breath Weapon: 16
Spells: 15
THAC0: 20
AC: 9[10]
Occult Powers
Familiar: Toad ("Kitty")
Cantrips: (5) Clean, Mend, Open, Palm, Spark
1st level: (1+2) Control Face, Glamour, Toad
Since I could not make up my mind whether she was a "Toad" witch or a "Cat" witch, I gave her a toad, as in the picture, but decided she treats her toad like it was a cat.
She could be a fun witch to come back to after she has gained some levels.