
Old-School Compatibility Logos

I am going to use these logos to identify various products or blog posts as being compatible with a sub-set of the RPGs I work the most with here.

All these games, products, and/or posts will use some version of the OGL.  Specific OGL statements and requirements will be made in each unique instance. 

Also, the games emulate the World's First Fantasy Role-Playing Game, also known as, The World's Greatest Fantasy Role-Playing Game.

Original Era Compatible

This logo is for games that mimic the dawn of the Role-Playing game hobby. The era of play is typically 1974-5 on to 1977.  The game has simplified rulings as opposed to rules.

Products I have used on my blog that I consider "Original-Era," though not limited to these products: 
This does not indicate compatibility with these individual products.  I am likely to have included OGC from one or more of the OGL statements of some of these.

OGL Statement for use: (Status 100% Open for OGC)

Section 15:  Old-School Compatibility Logo: Original Era. Copyright © 2020-2023 Timothy S. Brannan.

Basic-Era Compatible

This logo deals with games published between 1974 and 1983 and the various retro-clones.  Typically race is presented as a class, but not always.  Monster stats are smaller than other eras and often have a Morale score.   Alignment is usually measured on just a "Law-Neutrality-Chaos" axis.

Products I have used on my blog that I consider "Basic-Era," though not limited to these products: 
  • Basic D&D, Holmes edit
  • Basic D&D, Moldvay, Cook, and Marsh edits
  • Basic D&D, Mentzer edits
  • Basic Fantasy
  • Labyrinth Lord 
  • Blueholme
  • Old-School Essentials
  • Dark Dungeons
  • Lamentations of the Flame Princess
  • This Rule system category at DriveThruRPG
This does not indicate compatibility with these individual products.  I am likely to have included OGC from one or more of the OGL statements of some of these.

OGL Statement for use: (Status 100% Open for OGC)

Section 15:  Old-School Compatibility Logo: Basic Era. Copyright © 2020-2023 Timothy S. Brannan.

Advanced-Era Compatible

This logo covers products related to games published between 1977 to 1990 up till 1999.  These are the 1st and 2nd editions of the Advanced game to differentiate it from the Basic game above.  Monster stats are usually longer, class and race are separate, there are more classes and subclasses, and alignment is measured on a "Good-Neutrality-Evil" as well as "Law-Neutrality-Chaos" axes.

Products I have used on my blog that I consider "Advanced-Era," though not limited to these products: 
This does not indicate compatibility with these individual products.  I am likely to have included OGC from one or more of the OGL statements of some of these.

OGL Statement for use: (Status 100% Open for OGC)

Section 15:  Old-School Compatibility Logo: Advanced Era. Copyright © 2020-2023 Timothy S. Brannan.

Third-Era Compatible

This logo covers products made for games published after 2000.  These games started the OGL and continue to this day from other publishers as well.  Classes are separate from races, but there are no true sub-classes. Prestige or Advanced classes are introduced.  Skills and Feats are also added. Monsters and characters are built using similar stat blocks.

Products I have used on my blog that I consider "Third-Era," though not limited to these products:
This does not indicate compatibility with these individual products.  I am likely to have included OGC from one or more of the OGL statements of some of these.

OGL Statement for use: (Status 100% Open for OGC)

Section 15:  Old-School Compatibility Logo: Third Era. Copyright © 2020-2023 Timothy S. Brannan.

Fifth-Era Compatible

This logo represents the newest (as of 2020) version of the World's First Fantasy Role-Playing game.  It shares a number of features with the 3rd Era but there are changes. Feats are more optional. Skills are reduced in number. There are base classes and sub-class archetypes. 

Products I have used on my blog that I consider "Fifth-Era," though not limited to these products: 
This does not indicate compatibility with these individual products.  I am likely to have included OGC from one or more of the OGL statements of some of these.

OGL Statement for use: (Status 100% Open for OGC)

Section 15:  Old-School Compatibility Logo: Fifth Era. Copyright © 2020-2023 Timothy S. Brannan.

The Witch Compatible

This one is a bit different since it can be used in conjunction with the other logos or even with games not covered by these logos.  This would cove any product that includes material that can be used with one of my various Witch books.  Often these products are used by others using OGC from one of my books or some other scenario I have worked out with the author.

OGL Statement for use: (Status 100% Open for OGC)

Section 15:  Old-School Compatibility Logo: The Witch Compatible. Copyright © 2020-2023 Timothy S. Brannan.

This page is evolving.  Please check back for changes, updates, and clarifications.

You can link to this page with https://bit.ly/osclogos.

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